L. Piccardi and W. B. Masse; Editors, "Myth and Geology - Special Publication no 273 (Geological Society Special Publication)"
Publisher: Geological Society of London | 2007 | ISBN 1862392161 | PDF | 346 pages | 13.4 MB
Publisher: Geological Society of London | 2007 | ISBN 1862392161 | PDF | 346 pages | 13.4 MB
This book is the first peer-reviewed collection of papers focusing on the potential of myth storylines to yield data and lessons that are of value to the geological sciences. Building on the nascent discipline of geomythology, scientists and scholars from a variety of disciplines have contributed to this volume. The geological hazards (such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and cosmic impacts) that have given rise to myths are considered, as are the sacred and cultural values associated with rocks, fossils, geological formations and landscapes. There are also discussions about the historical and literary perspectives of geomythology. Regional coverage includes Europe and the Mediterranean, Afghanistan, Cameroon, India, Australia, Japan, Pacific islands, South America and North America. Myth and Geology challenges the widespread notion that myths are fictitious or otherwise lacking in value for the physical sciences.
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